Thursday, August 26, 2010

Untitled From Notebook :: WIP

We prairie schooned
from the beehive.
Your hive tucked away.
We drove your new care--
remember, the deer in in
southern Colorado?
'til we saw columbine
and smelled death by thousands
of feed lots and slaughter houses.
But, not before we fucked
in that hotel room in cowboy country.
To Windy City,
by detour of one of the
where you asked me to
run away with you to
Bed and Breakfast, Nebraska
style. My fron door where,
I confessed an awestruck love
leaned in
kissed you.
Ru--unborn love child--
cabletows me to you.
Six months until due
you want to pull up stakes and
move to
Gut shot by prairie dove
that nested so gently in the
bunkhouse of my soul.

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