Friday, July 23, 2010

Love Left Chicago

Six years
the trail of tears
started out innocent.
Pure as de Beers.
Our first apartment
turning 21
that trip to Colorado.
tracking and navigating
destiny revealed itself.
Our love repealed itself and left Chicago.
You left Chicago.
And I don’t know where to go.
I’m sorry I was gone for awhile
and left you in that disaster space.
Never loved me.
Stood by me,
not for me.
If I could sing it would be the blues.
Because shit doesn’t just come
in 2’s.
It comes in three’s and fourses.
Dark skies bring dark forces.
Four horses of the apocalypse,
Love stalled.
Everything has to rearrange.
The inspiration for rhyming line
after line.
Like watermelon rind
not so sweet
when the substance is gone.

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